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Tuesday, April 29, 2008 @ 5:17 PM
IMPORTANT! (DUN, DUN, DUN..)okay! this is really, really (superly) important, cause' i said so. (HAHA) anyways, everybody. my class will be having like a so-called class/social party thing BUT big problem is : my class isn't cooperative and not much people are going! D: so i really need you guys to come (so that it can also be a so-called six dee reunion party thing too!) just under one condition, try to invite as many people as you want/can (i don't care if it's the whole s'pore or not, if it is, it's better) and try and estimate and inform me or sth.. YOU ARE INVITED! the so-called social party hosted by : my class! muahaha, East Coast Park Area D/ BBQ pit 38 30 May 2008 (friday) 2PM onwards till any time :D RSVPCarissa 96176179 REMEMBER! invite as many people as you want, and PLEASE DO! :D love you guys so-so much! (muacks!) carissa weee - ohyeah, i'm gna change my surname and chinese name, believe it or not, it's up to you.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008 @ 5:47 PM
UHHEMMM. CHERMAINE HERE.AND I REALISED I LOVE TYPING IN BOLD :D -.- Ok. Enough of the crapping. FOUNDRESS DAY 2oo8; MCS 51st ANNIVERSARY (: Date: Thursday, 24th April 2008. Venue: Marymount Convent School :D Info from th juniors♥ Yesyes. You people better go back eh :D Uhhh, if you going back with NOONE ahs, I GOT PLAN KAY :D City hall MRT at THREE. Call me or danielle if you want come :D We wait for yous. LOL.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008 @ 7:06 PM
Hello 6D(:Long time since I posted. Haha. HAPPY EARTH DAY :D How's the mid years/ exams/ CAs coming? Haven't been good for me though D: Its either failing or just scraping through. Roar. Yesyes, changed the skin :D Its more organised? Uhmm yeah. LOL. And I've hidden the music bar, so you cant stop the song now. Nehnehnipoopoo :D Hahas. Mute it, perhaps x; Uh btw, the song is only TEMPORARY. Cos danielle and I can't seem to agree with the songs each of us choose. HAHA. So we've come up with a list of songs for everyone to vote or come up with other suggestions :D 1. A Thousand Miles - Vanessa Carlton 2. I'll remember you - No Secrets 3. Hollywood's not America - Ferras 4. Love song - Sarabareilles 5. Run the show - Kat Deluna 6. All for one - High School Musical 2 7. At the beginning - Richard Marx & Donna Lewis 8. Your love is a lie - Simple plan 9. Sorry - Buckcherry Yupp. Thats all(; Preview/ listen to those songs either on imeem, youtube or anything you can think of :D Oh fyi, those in blue were suggested by danielle, green were suggested by me and orange were suggested by both of us :D And know why I chose green? Cos its earth day, mcs's uniform is green, and so is TK's :D LOL. So peoples, vote like this on the tagboard; eg. Chermaine :D - [2] Bye; ILY GUYS ♥
Sunday, April 13, 2008 @ 8:42 PM
Sixdeeians, I wish you all good luck for your exams:) I think all our exams are coming and I hope we get good marks for all subjects. I'll predict who will get high marks for what subject. Clarissa Ho will obviously get high marks for Science. Jolyn, Florence, Xinyi and all those people will definitely get high marks for Maths. I don't really know who will get high marks for English, Chinese, Malay, Tamil, Higher Chinese & Higher Tamil. Everyone, get ready to dig your heads in your books as I hope you will do mcsians(especially 6Deeians) proud:D I know it seems like a lame post but I'm trying my best to keep this blog alive!! My blog is more dead than this blog. To-do list: MUST KEEP 6D AND MY BLOG ALIVE!! Yesterday, Melanie and I were chatting about the things we miss in MCS. We really missed the NUS days the most. I also miss the science outings. Those people who normally go for them, you know who you are. *sigh*Back to studying people*sigh* danniie is a proud sixdeeian and will never forget the days spent in mcs
Friday, April 11, 2008 @ 6:27 PM
HELLO peoples :DLONG LONG LONG time since I visited this blog. So ehh, what did I wanna say? Ohyes. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY VANESSA :D Though it was like 10 days ago. HAHAHA. Crappp. I was just trying to keep this blog alive ._. Anyways, you should know who I am.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008 @ 9:36 PM
okay, guys. try to keep these days free, okay?23rd, 24th, 31st May 2008. Cause it'll be my SCHOOL CARNIVAL! (not much info for you guys, yet. i'll try and find out asap and post it soon!) Gan Eng Seng School Carnival Time : Not sure, yet Day : 23rd/24th/31st May Venue : Gan Eng Seng School Address : 1 Henderson Rd okay? okay? OKAY?? OKAY??! anyways, (ignore my insanity) how's life? everything going smoothly? loves, skittles! +D, my fav 'web-name' for now.
@ 5:04 PM
Hey sixdeeians! Happy belated April Fools Day everyone!! Anyone got anything interesting to tell the class? We really need to keep this blog alive and to meet up somewhere(preferably mcs) someday. I'm so bored but I'm still going to try to type stuff(no mater how lame) on this blog to keep it alive:D>danniie< |