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Friday, March 28, 2008 @ 7:21 PM
guys, i have a so-called-kind-of-brilliant-idea for us/some of us to meet up. my school will be like having a open house carnival. so anybody who wants to come can come. there'll be games and stalls and all. x)GESS Open house-cum-Carnival Day : Saturday, 31st May 2008 Time : 9.30am - 3.30pm Venue : Gan Eng Seng School anws, hope you guys have fun in your secondary schools! some info on how i'm doing right now : oh god. and my granny is so damn bloody over-protective and doesn't want me to stay in a mixed school, nor mix around with guys and stuff. =.=" Love you guys anyways! Carissa
Wednesday, March 26, 2008 @ 10:37 PM
I think not all sixdeeians 07 know that we have a class blog. Please tell all sixdeeians and join that website Varisara asked you to join(if you received the email). I really want all of us to still be abled to contact each other as if we were still in mcs. The only difference is we are in different schools(except some of you are in the same school as each other). At least I have a ballet friend who is Clarissa Ho's PSL so I can talk to Clarissa Ho is a certain way. Anybody planning to go back on foundress day?danniie is and always here:)
Saturday, March 22, 2008 @ 9:47 PM
Hey people! I am just going to say something about what Vari said in our tagboard. She said that 6B '07 and 6F '07 copied us like the Relaxation corner last time. I don't really care if they copied or not. I mean, even if you tell them, they won't stop right? Besides, that's not the reason I'm typing this post. I'm here to type about KC dance concert again. I really want this day memorable for the seniors. At least do me a favour ok? I mean, if a lot of us go and watch the show, we can meet up with each other. Those of you who know Kristina from 6C '07, she'll also be performing.KC DANCE CONCERT DETAILS Venue:St Joseph's Instituition When:Saturday, 5th April 2008 Time:8pm - 10pm(I think) PLEASE SUPPORT US!!!
Friday, March 21, 2008 @ 8:14 PM
Hey people!! I just realised that 6F '07 has a class blog! Chermaine told me. I linked it at the side. Among the 3 class blogs, ours was made first!! If anyone knows of another mcs p6 '07 class blog, tell me and I'll edit the blog.danniie
Wednesday, March 19, 2008 @ 7:58 PM
aww man. D: i think whatever danielle said is so damn true. this blog is dead! oh god. when was it's funeral ceremony? i didn't attend it! D: haha, joking. i hope everybody will try their very best to keep this blog alive. guess what? yay! tomorrow's my sports fiesta day! woo-hoo. and i'm participating in netball. woo-hoo. :Danws, who had their health check-up already? i just had it today! ah-haha. :D lotsoflove, carissa :D
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 @ 9:26 PM
Hey people! So far, this blog has been dying and all the posts here all state that this blog is dying!! Even the tagboard is dying!! I mean, even if the blog posts are dying, at least the tagboard should be alive!! Never mind. I am so tired of talking how dead the blog is. I bet all of you people know that 6B '07 has a blog. If you don't, just go to the blog at the links at the left side.danniie
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 @ 4:50 PM
Hey hey! Well, one day, we all have to meet up (as a class), no matter what. But it can't be during this March hols (maybe June hols?), cause i am as busy as a bee, so danielle, count me out for the meet up during this hols. AND, i expected at least half of the class to turn up, but only a few did. Awww, man. D: Neverminds about that. Secondary life keeps you busy! From my point of view, i think MCS changed a lot, i mean it. At YCK, i only saw like a handful of ppl from each house, and the atmosphere wasn't as fun and ethusiastic as last year's. I was like 'you've gotta be joking' the moment i saw the amount of pupils there. It was like half or only one-third of the school or sth! Let's all highlight a mark in our schedules to meet during a mcs event or the hols. Take cares! Carissa, took nothing, except memories; left nothing, except footprints. :D ILOVEYOUGUYS! ♥
Sunday, March 9, 2008 @ 10:18 PM
Hey fellow sixdeeians! I bet almost all of you have received the email Varisara sent. I don't know what it is that is why I am using this blog to ask Varisara. Vari, can you type in the cbox what that website is for? So, does anybody want to go out during our holidays? We could reminisce about 5D(except for Clarissa Tay) and 6D.
Thursday, March 6, 2008 @ 10:13 PM
Bad news people. I can't go for the MCS Sports Day. I have cca on that day so I hope I can go on another special event. I wanted to go there and spray my hair like crazy!! Never mind. Since our holidays are next week, how about 1 day all of us go out together? I know it will be a lot of people but there is a saying "the more the merrier". LOL. I just quoted something. I know if we go to a mall with a neoprint machine, all 40 of us can't fit inside. I heard from my friend's father that the gym girls picture is in the foyer. A BIG picture. I want to go and see it. Who wants to go back to MCS with me on a non-special day? Just type it at the cbox below or in my blog's cbox.danniie's footprints were here
Wednesday, March 5, 2008 @ 10:07 PM
hey guys! Carissa here. haha- soo, how's everybody and stuff? great? anyways, this is just gunna' be a short post. who's going to yck on 7th march08? i hope i'll see at least half of the 6D class there. love you guys♥ |