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Thursday, February 28, 2008 @ 8:58 PM
Hey people!! This blog is officially DYING!!! We promised to keep this blog alive but i seem to be the only one updating. So far, I know Clarissa Ho is going back. Chermaine is not sure because she might have cca on that day. I am going back with Kristina, Charanpreet(Maybe) and Yingxuan(Maybe). The problem is, we have to travel from Bedok Reservoir to Yio Chu Kang Stadium! I don't really care about the distance, I just want to go back and visit the MCSians(current & ex). I am not really sure if I can come because I might have cca on that day. I also want to say tomorrow is the 29th of February!! LEAP YEAR!! WOOHOO!! Lol. I am going crazy.danniie
Friday, February 22, 2008 @ 10:28 PM
Hey people!! I am going back to MCS for sports day! It is held at Yio Chu Kang Stadium. If you want to go, can you tell me so that i can go with you? I know it seems weird but I am not sure if my friends in KC from MCS can go.danniie
Tuesday, February 19, 2008 @ 9:35 PM
Hey people!!Nobody has been updating this blog so I am going to do it. This blog would have been updated by me a long time ago but I had to study for exams. I am typing this post for the sake of Belinda. She asked me to type on the class blog to ask all of you 6deeians reading it to come with us during the March holidays. We want to go somewhere together but we don't know where. Just type in the tagboard if you are interested or you can come. Happy advanced birthday Belinda and Jolyn! Their birthdays are 25th and 26th February respectively. I also wish Jaime and Dian Nadia an advanced birthday even though they are not 6deeians. Hope you 6deeians did well in your tests/exams. danniie
Saturday, February 9, 2008 @ 4:21 PM
HELLOS! CHERMAINE here :Dchanged th blogskin cos the picture melanie made doesnt seem to be working AND i've received comments from many ppl saying that the page is directed to another page, which i don't recall it happening. ohwells, hopefully this solves the problem. how's sch life ayes? pretty boring yeahs? no more the same old laughters, the same old naggings and the oh-so-easy homework. sighs. oh yes. have you been guys enjoying your CNY holiday? i havent. its so BORRIINNGGG -.-" th only thing that satisfy me is the number of angpows i received :D HAHAS. but i'm quite certain you guys got more than me right? if not, the total amount you received has to be more. you know why? cos i got veh little cousin marhs D: kays. enough of my craps. x3 ps; ehh kimiko! you know allyson norts? she my cous leas! ROFL. -.-" ending here :D
Wednesday, February 6, 2008 @ 11:06 PM
Sorry people. No one has posted ANYTHING(despite what I said) but never mind. I saw Carissa, Lekshana, Sam, Stacy, Belinda and Audrey. I also saw Florence but she did not go down at MCS. Congrats to our newly appointed treasurer, CARISSA!!! Carissa, please call me or talk to me when I am online if no one told you the email and password.danniie
Monday, February 4, 2008 @ 6:46 PM
Hey people!! The following people are going to MCS tomorrow:Danielle Kimberley Kelly Stacy Belinda Carissa(pending) Lekshana(Maybe) Sam(Maybe) If there are other people who are also coming but I did not put your name here, please tell me ASAP!!! I forgot to say a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY from the committee to cman!!! danniie
Saturday, February 2, 2008 @ 11:01 AM
HELLO :DHAPPY FEBRUARY! ahh yes, just as what danielle was saying, please tell us when your birthdays are so we cld maybe like organise some kind of gathering..... ALRIGHT. I'M TYPING CRAP AGAIN -.- signing off, ANON [:
Friday, February 1, 2008 @ 6:24 PM
heysheys. this is -ahBEN. ;]] yea so peeps, hows school life? enjoying yourself with your new classmates/laptops T^T or whatsoever? dont forget marymount horhh. okaes. i sound kinda stupid. anyways, seriously i mean seriously vist MCS on the 5th or 6th okaes? and when you see cman or jolene on those days say happy birthday. and get presents for them.yunhui. you damn damn damn lucky nia~ chermaine. you also damn damn damn lucky sehh. by the way. i have some very very very very very very......................... sad news for you. i'm sick for like the past few days. sometimes on sometimes off. throat damn pain and itchy. and i waste so much space. but really who cares? been reading lots and lots of meg cabot books! ;]] thanks to jia ying. not exactly lots but yea. and that jia ying is not our jia ying who is rachel. ya' know. i might be going back on the 5th. and maybe on the 6th too. if there is time. really hate the school U. dang it. i am being so random nowadays. i might not be able to use com. cause my mum larhh. she horhh. go and quit her job. so she looking for a job for the past few weeks lerhh. and she stay at home everyday. cannot use com lorhh. so most probably every friday i might be able to use. dont miss me kkaes? -.- bweh. im just curious. when do you all the school end on 5th or 6th arhhs?? i wanna know. so maybe when we all go there we might actually see each other. cause of you know the different school dismissal and all. and i also wanna know your CCAs. ;]] hehes. oh oh oh. good news. i gained 3 kg. ;]] FINALLY! i mean like i have been 37kg for years! NOT. yea. and i grew 2 cm taller. T^T that is so sad. i dont wanna be taller anymore. my preferred height would be ermm 158. yea. you know horhh. i got into like the house tolley. and i seem to be posting about my life instead about our beloved 6D. -.- anyways since all of their post so short i shall post about me. ;]] -.- yea so like tolley has been the last team out of 4 teams for ermm 15years? uh huh. sad. and my hm horhh, is my cousin's girlfriend's best friend. ms karen chao or so i presume. i am going to ask su lyn or su lin jie jie on chinese new year. ;]] man i miss the old days. (i sound like an old man) ;]] i wanna go out with your like during hols or something? and and and i still cant believe kimiko and cman went into bishan park and pierce respectively. i mean i just cant believe it. and for those people who know about our class blog please and i mean PLEASE tell the other sixdeeians ,who dont know about our class blog, about it.or they will be totally clueless. which for MY info, they already are. and so i hope you all will make it on the 5th or 6th. preferbly(arghh forgotten how to spell) on the 5th. ;]] cause some peeps cant make it on 6th. as their school ends like the same time as marymount and by the time they reach there bo people liao. wahh. i envy chermaine. no school on 6th and half day on 5th. T^T. haiishh. nowadays alot of people keep getting sick. i wonder why. haiishh. i have english homework zuo wen. T^T and the zuo wen horhh of all questions it had to be <<>> no chinese charac sorry! >< and for non-chinese people's sake it means (in direct translation) : i met one not normal derhh person. ;]] so it generally means i met someone who is not normal. ;]] arghh. and for the sake of all eternity. ????????? ermm. what i meant was try to keep our class blog alive i mean KEEP IT ALIVE! nothing really to say now just read finish 'how to be popular' by meg cabot. love it! and currently moving on to ermm ouran derhh manga. so buh-bye. i am being extremely weird. that is so not me. well maybe it is. abit. but just ignore my stupidity kkaes? buh-byes. ;]] love ya'! ;]] |